DWL-G122 Rev. A2 Wireless Adapter on Linux

Finding working drivers for D-Link DWL-G122 Rev. A2 USB Wireless Adapter to use in Linux Mint 14 (32-bit) based on Ubuntu 12.10.

The adapter is only compatible with WPA and WEP security modes; not compatible with WPA2.  PSK can be used.  This adapter could not connect to a router running in 802.11g/n mixed mode; but does associate with a router set in 802.11g mode.

On Mint/Ubuntu, attempts to use the native p54usb kernel module, and the necessary isl3887usb firmware placed in the correct /lib/firmware path resulted in dmesg log lines "authentication with AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF timed out" despite success registering drivers to the interface.  See firmware installation instructions at http://wiki.debian.org/prism54. There appears to be a newer version of the isl3887usb firmware available here, http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/p54, which I did not try

I had success using the old method I had running on an earlier edition of Ubuntu. Ie. load ndiswrapper

Use ndiswrapper kernel module and install Windows drivers from D-Link website.  However, D-Link Support website does not list Rev. A2 (as of 2013-01) but the correct driver is available on their FTP server at: ftp://ftp.dlink.com/Wireless/dwlg122_revA2/Drivers/dwlg122revA2_driver_102.zip

Encountered "FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found." when trying to sudo modprobe ndiswrapper or when trying to install Windows drivers for the adapter via ndisgtk.  Downloading and installing ndiswrapper-dkms_1.58~rc1-0ubuntu1_all.deb worked. Older version ndiswrapper-dkms_1.57-1ubuntu1_all.deb did not.  Follow procedures at http://askubuntu.com/questions/132894/how-to-fix-ndiswrapper-not-found

Probably want to blacklist p54usb if you want to get ndiswrapper to work.


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