Coronavirus precipitates a sea change; thing's can't continue the way it has been

A new world order is coalescing: the biggest factor was our own doing. Technology. SARS-COV-2 is an important catalyst.

1. Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
  • Deep fakes
  • Generalized Intelligence
2. Cryptography and blockchain
  • working for protocols (Oracle problem fulfilled by human agents held accountable by other agents on other blockchains)
  • increased accountability for all your actions... less capability to commit morally ambiguous acts. Lawful on the chain != Right, though.
  • erosion of privacy in some domains
  • increased privacy in other domains.
3. 5G and China's long-game and ambitions
  • communism, democracy, and capitalism.
  • propaganda, disinformation, and fascism
  • freedom vs. populace control - lulling the majority 'sheep' into a sense of complacency about violations to human rights and harm to the environment. Gradual shift in morals and ethics especially with respect to privacy.
4. Wealth inequality ends through revolution in NA, EU
  • redistribution and UBI
  • Recognize that all the debts on all accounts (national and private) exceed the wealth of natural resources on Earth. Including the PV of renewable assets for 50 years of harvest. Result of QE and federal government bonds.
5. Ecological catastrophe
  • climate change
  • irreversible loss of soil and water resources
  • 2 to 5 billion direct and indirect deaths over 25 years.
6. Actual ongoing pandemic. Potential to be devastating - directly kills 250 million, indirectly killing 2 billion over 5 years.
  • causes social upheaval economic devastation that leads to #4, hopefully not straight anarchy.
Which of these dystopia do you want?
Ultimately it won't be just one, but a combination of each.  The COVID-19 pandemic catalyzes the change and perhaps will lead us toward the best mixture.
The only certain conclusion is that we can't continue business as-is. Unfair wealth accumulation  through free-markets and the incorrect conviction that meritocracy actually (or should) determines wealth and success is not the way forward. This mistaken notion is a driving factor in the mental health crisis.

I, for one, welcome our robot overlords, provided it is more benevolent than Chinese government and allows more freedom than a fascist big brother state.

Most favorable combination is 50% #4, 30% #2. 15% #1, 5% #3. Component #3 occurs just to demonstrate everybody that capitalism has served us well, but socialism with a strong touch of accountability through blockchain and productivity through AI is the future.

Conspiracy theory time: Intentionally or unintentionally, U.S monetary policy and fiscal policy (TALF, PMCCF, CPFF, QE) is just delaying the collapse of equity and bond markets, which may be witnessed when inflation global deflation starts rising rapidly uncontrollably due to the federal cash injection global fallout of collapsing incomes. Concurrently, the effects of massive unemployment, credit defaults, deaths, and change in consumer behaviour will catch up to the financial and social welfare institutions. Meantime, beneficiaries of algorithmic trading are taking advantage of this disconnect with reality (end of March through April, 2020).

The lyrics of this beautiful contemplative song are apropos 


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